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 Анкета опроса потребителей

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 Анкета опроса потребителей




The Corporate Code is a set of basic moral, ethical and business standards, principles that govern the employees of LLC "Ural Spring Plant". It is on them that the understanding of who we are, how we act, what we should strive for is based. The Corporate Code performs the function of an internal organizing beginning of activity and behavior.
The purpose of the Corporate Code is to consolidate the uniform standards, key values and principles of activity, as well as the behavior of employees, adopted in LLC "Ural Spring Plant", aimed at improving the quality, financial stability and efficiency of the organization.
Objectives of the Corporate Code:
-    consolidation of the Mission, Vision and Corporate values of LLC "Ural Spring Plant";
-    defining the policy and rules of interaction of the organization in relation to customers, government agencies, competitors, the public, the media, etc.;
-    determination of the order of decision-making in difficult ethical situations and situations of conflict of interest;
-    development of corporate culture through the transmission of the values of the organization to all employees, orientation of employees to common corporate goals, enhancement of corporate identity;
-    ensuring that the employees of Ural Spring Plant LLC are personally accountable to partners and clients of the organization for the performance of their official duties, their role in the implementation of the Mission of Ural Spring Plant LLC.
1.4    This code describes the values of the organization, the basic principles of interaction between management and personnel, rules of conduct, requirements for employees on the part of LLC "Ural Spring Plant". These rules are a set of Corporate Principles confirming the organization's adherence to the rules of business ethics and legality.
1.5    The values, principles and norms set forth in this Corporate Code are mandatory for all employees of the organization without exception, regardless of the level of their position. The provisions of the code should be accepted by all employees as a guide to action in their daily work.
Internal procedures, rules and documents of the organization should be consistent with the approaches set out in this code. They are called upon to create mechanisms,
conditions and methods for the implementation of the principles set out in this code.
The decisions taken by the management of the organization should not contradict the rules of this code. Compliance with established rules and adherence to corporate values is the key to the success of Ural Spring Plant LLC and a condition for maintaining and developing high standards of business ethics.

2    Mission, vision and values

2.1    Our Mission - "We provide reliable solutions of elastic energy management."
2.2    Our Vision - The Ural Spring Plant is a leading enterprise recognized in the domestic and world markets, a supplier of a wide range of modern elastic components. The business generates higher than the industry average return on capital and is characterized by high financial stability. The company provides safe working conditions and a level of remuneration for the professional core of workers and engineers corresponding to the income of the middle class. The company is a reliable partner focused on the goals of long-term cooperation. UPZ is a socially responsible company contributing to the development of the region through full payment of taxes, job creation, charity. UPZ is a “point of good”.
2.3    Each manager of Ural Spring Plant LLC follows in their work 14 principles of Edward Deming
-     this     is     a     commitment     to     continuous     improvement     in     the      field      of quality.
2.4    Our values:
-    Respect and responsibility
We treat our employees, our clients and partners, society and the state with respect. We are responsible for the results of working with them.
-    Legitimacy, public stance and social responsibility
We strictly observe the generally accepted principles and norms of international law, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan
-    Professionalism, development and self-improvement
We are confident that experience and thorough knowledge of our business, continuous improvement, learning, search, innovation can lead us to achieve our goals.
-    Quality
We are convinced that product quality and customer service, both internal and external, are essential factors for success.
We prevent to use counterfeit parts in our production and products of our suppliers.
-    Cooperation and transparency
We are confident that mutual understanding and trust, mutual assistance, corporate solidarity and joint problem solving within the organization, open, transparent and benevolent interaction with partners, clients, the public, government agencies will allow us to realize our mission.
2.5    Precepts
-    Trust - Our relationship is built on a firm belief in the decency and decency and benevolence of another person.
-    Constructive conflict - In a dispute, we do not forget about our grievances and emotions, we openly express our opinion and take into account the opinion, this is the only way the truth is born.
-    Obligingness- We fulfill what we have agreed on together. We make each other stronger when we give feedback.
-    Mutual exactingness- Good relationships do not prevent us from demanding that agreements are fulfilled. When evaluating the result, we do not assess the personality.
-    Focus on results - We develop each team member to achieve a common goal. Each of us is responsible for the overall result.
3    Corporate Business Principles

3.1    Respect
Respect for employees, our customers and partners is the main principle that guides LLC "Ural Spring Plant" in all its activities.
We respect human rights and freedoms, regardless of race, nationality, social status and le- gal status, we avoid any signs of discrimination shown. LLC "Ural Spring Plant" creates conditions for open and constructive communication, a healthy business climate, compliance with life safety standards, provides opportunities for individual growth and self-realization.
The organization's relationship with clients and partners is based on mutual respect, compli- ance with the agreements reached, and the desire to avoid coercive actions.
3.2    Responsibility
We are responsible to the chairman of the board of directors for the results of the organiza- tion's activities, to customers - for the quality of products, to partners - for fulfilling our obligations, before society and the state - for our contribution to the development of mechanical engineering and the economy of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan, in improving the quality of life of the population.
3.3    Legitimacy
We strictly observe the generally accepted principles and norms of international law, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The organization recalls the need to comply with current legislation, which ensures equal conditions for all business activity, and also assists law enforcement agencies in eradicating all types of crime.
We understand laws around exporting products and technology in terms of export controls and economic sanctions.
We declare our commitment to the principles of fair competition.
We are interested in proper observance of labor laws. Therefore, we have clearly formulated and transparent principles of remuneration, benefits and career advancement.
3.4    Professionalism
We are confident that experience and thorough knowledge of our business, continuous im- provement, learning, search, participation in the organization of lean production can lead us to achieve our goals.
Cognition, understanding, risk management, learning - these are mandatory components of our activities for us.
3.5    Quality
We are convinced that product quality and service are essential factors in achieving success. Improving customer service, both internal and external, is the primary concern of all employees in
the organization. We strive to achieve quality that meets the highest international standards, to maintain the highest level of reliability of supplied solutions, to achieve an optimal price / quality ratio.
3.6    Development and self-improvement
We strive to constantly move forward and improve our business, improving the qualifica- tions of our staff through learning.
3.7    Efficiency
We strive to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time, applying an accurate calculation and an optimal balance of costs and results obtained, seeking the most appropriate use of human resources, financial and other resources. We are constantly looking for the best tools and opportunities to make the organization work more efficiently.
3.8    Collaboration
We are confident that mutual understanding and mutual trust, mutual assistance, corporate solidarity and joint problem solving within the organization, open and friendly interaction with partners, clients, the public, government agencies will allow us to realize our mission. We are ready to exchange professional knowledge and practical experience with colleagues.
Staff members have an obligation to report wrongdoing. The Company has a duty to protect whistleblowers against retaliation.
3.9    Transparency
We believe that the openness and transparency of the organization's activities for partners, customers, employees, for government bodies is a prerequisite for the long-term effectiveness of our business.
When disclosing information, we are guided by the following principles:
-    compliance with the requirements of the legislation in the field of information disclosure;
-    regularity and efficiency of information provision;
-    availability of information for the chairman of the board of directors, general director and other interested parties;
-    reliability and completeness of the information disclosed;
-    ensuring a reasonable balance between the openness of the organization and the observance of its commercial interests (including the protection of information constituting a commercial secret).
We build our relationships with clients, partners, government officials on the basis of equality and openness.
3.10    Public stance and Social Responsibility
We live and work in the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Russian Federation and are proud of it. We respect and follow the laws and believe that this is the only sure way to do business with
integrity. We, like any other organization, are one of the components of our society: developing, creating jobs, introducing new technologies, paying taxes, LLC "Ural Spring Plant" contributes to the growth of social well-being, improving the quality of life in our country.
3.11    Reputation
Reputation is for oorganization is one of the main values, which determines not only the possibility of successful business development, but also the very fact of the organization's further existence in the market.
3.12    Security
We take all necessary measures to prevent any illegal actions in relation to the organization, its clients, partners, employees, as well as in relation to the state and the world community.

4    Business Corporate Ethics

In interaction with the external environment, the organization is focused on striving for gen- eral progress and prosperity, making its contribution to ensuring productive employment, respect for human rights, education, economic well-being and development of the regions in which it oper- ates.
The business ethics of an organization requires employees to be constantly prepared to com- ply with the laws, rules and regulations that govern the organization's activities.
4.1    Interaction with employees
LLC “Ural Spring Plant” considers personnel as a key, versatile, strategic resource capable of providing an organization with long-term competitive advantages and achieving leadership posi- tions in the markets. LLC "Ural Spring Plant" values its staff for competence and professionalism, knowledge and experience, initiative and focus on success, corporate cohesion and dynamism, de- cency and discipline. People are the main asset of the Ural Spring Plant LLC.
It is these qualities of employees that ensure the stable position of LLC "Ural Spring Plant", the development of technological, human and innovative potential. Management believes that equal opportunities for all economically, socially and in education are a prerequisite for the prosperity of the organization, for respecting human dignity and improving the well-being of employees. Dis- crimination or creating an intolerant environment against employees or those who do business with us is a violation of business ethics and conduct. An intolerant situation, we consider a situation in which hostility towards a certain person in one form or another is manifested on the basis of nation- al, religious, gender and age differences, physical disabilities or similar signs of his relatives or friends. Any form of disrespectful behavior that degrades human dignity is considered the creation of an intolerant environment. All employees are subject to the principle of equal opportunities in the
areas of search, recruitment, appointment, promotion, relocation, reassignment, treatment of em- ployees, salary rates or other types of remuneration, selection for vocational training or dismissal - doubts. The main criteria for the appointment of employees to higher positions are their specific achievements and abilities. Each employee has the right to nominate himself for the available va- cancies, having received all the information necessary for this from the personnel of the personnel management department. We build relationships with our employees on the principles of long-term cooperation, mutual respect and strict fulfillment of mutual obligations. By all their actions, em- ployees must show and confirm their respect for each other and for the contribution that everyone makes to the common cause. Respecting each other's self-esteem, employees do not allow them- selves to be rude, no matter how critical the situation may be. Violation of moral and business standards of conduct is intolerable. Violation of the rules and norms established by this code is con- sidered a violation of the requirements of labor discipline. Each colleague is considered an “inter- nal” client and communication with him requires no less professionalism, correctness and interest than communication with external clients. Benevolence, openness and mutual respect of employees help partners to create a favorable impression of the organization as a whole. In communication, employees and managers adhere to the principle of subordination: interaction with higher manage- ment is carried out, as a rule, through a direct supervisor. Support and encouragement by the head of the ingenuity and reasonable initiative of his subordinates in the performance of normal func- tions, as well as in solving non-standard tasks, is another principle adopted in the work. The com- pany takes measures aimed at conscious safety, health protection, labor protection and ensuring the safety of employees, creating all the necessary conditions for their professional growth and increas- ing social well-being. The company consistently strives to ensure:
•    safe and ergonomic organization of all workplaces;
•    the necessary sanitary and hygienic and living conditions for production and work.
We do not welcome the system of punishing employees, in this regard, we are looking for ways to improve the system as a whole and are in a constant PDSA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act, that is, Plan-Do-Check-Act).
We welcome the active participation of employees in the life of the organization, which con- tributes to the development of corporate culture and internal cooperation. LLC "Ural Spring Plant" appreciates and strongly encourages any ideas of employees, the implementation of which may be important for business development.

4.2    Interactions with customers
Clients form the basis of the business, the success of all the activities of the organiza-
tion depends on the maximum satisfaction of their needs. We strive for the highest standards of service, we protect the interests of each client. The needs of the client are the main law for the organization and its employees. The only exception to this rule is the contradiction of the client's requirements with the current legislation and rules governing banking activities.
We are interested in establishing long-term partnerships with clients and do our best to contribute to their development.
We strive for transparency in relations with customers and providing them with com- plete and reliable information about our products.
Respecting the interests of our clients, we strive to minimize any risks. The main thing for us is the trust of our customers and business partners.
We are constantly working on improving the customer service system, developing and implementing new progressive projects. We use advanced experience, modern technologies and innovations of the world leaders in the machine-building industry in order to constantly exceed the expectations of each of our clients and, through this, achieve a leading position in the Russian market.
We strive to empower customers and create the most convenient service conditions for them.

We respect the dignity of our clients and assume the following obligations to them:
-    provide its customers with products of the highest quality in accordance with their requirements;
-    to treat their clients honestly in all aspects of their business;
-    create equal conditions for all our clients;
-    timely and attentively consider possible difficulties in working with clients, - con- structively and promptly resolve claims.
In the event of a conflict of interest, we consider it our duty to do everything possible to resolve disputes in the most constructive way.
4.3    Interaction with competitors
In relations with competitors, we proceed from the understanding that healthy eco- nomic competition contributes to a more equitable distribution of goods and services and an increase in the welfare of the state and the population. We respect the physical and intellectu- al property rights of competitors, avoid using illegal methods of influencing them, including obtaining commercial information by dishonest, illegal or unethical means.
We believe it is imperative for us to comply with antitrust and competition laws in order to achieve technological progress for the common good.
4.4    Interaction with government officials
The priorities of the strategic development of the organization are determined within the framework of the state policy for the development of the machine-building industry. The implementation of the state course towards creating conditions for sustainable economic growth in Russia at the same time creates the prerequisites for the further effective develop- ment of our business. The interests of the state are also our interests.
We are in constant interaction with government agencies that control various aspects of the organization's activities.
A public official is a person in charge or an employee of government or municipal structures authorized to act or act on behalf of these structures.
We must conduct business with state bodies and authorities strictly without personal interest, without resorting to improper methods of influencing the adoption of administrative decisions. The presentation of monetary rewards or gifts, directly or indirectly, by the em- ployees of the organization to any official in order to coerce him into actions, although com- mitted by him within the limits of his official powers, but affecting the actions or decisions of state bodies and the Government of the Russian Federation, is strictly prohibited ...

4.5    Interaction with representatives of the media
The organization's employees are trying to make cooperation with the media as effec- tive as possible.
The information policy of the organization is aimed at the possibility of obtaining free and easy access to information about it. Channels for the dissemination of information are se- lected in such a way as to basically ensure free and reasonable access of interested parties to the information disclosed. We strive to use all available sources of information: press confer- ences, business meetings, printed publications, television and radio broadcasting, as well as the Internet for free access of all interested parties to the disclosed information about the or- ganization.
On the website of the organization, information about the history of the organization, as well as information about the offered products and news-east information is presented in a public mode.
We monitor compliance with high ethical standards in relations with the media and do not allow the dissemination of false information, concealment and / or distortion of facts in
our advertising activities or other activities in the framework of communications with the public.
We strive to build interaction with representatives of the media on the principles of mutual respect, observing the norms of ethics and behavior, and defending the interests of the organization.
Each employee of the organization must understand and always remember that any point of view expressed by him as an employee of the organization or disseminated infor- mation directly correlates with the organization itself, its image and affects its reputation in the business community.

4.6    Participation in political processes
The organization adheres to the principle of neutrality in relation to social movements and political parties. Nevertheless, the organization encourages its employees to be knowl- edgeable voters, to take part in the political process.
The right of employees to express their views on public policy and to engage in politi- cal activities in their personal time is fully recognized by the organization.
The employee should not experience any pressure from the organization in connection with the decision to personally participate in political activities.
The organization does not provide its employees with time for political activities with the preservation of salary, since this is considered as a practical contribution to the activities of a political party or public organization.
Campaigning of any kind on the premises of the organization, including putting up ad- vertising materials or distributing literature in support of party candidates, is prohibited.

4.7    Participation in humanitarian programs and charity events
The organization is deeply aware of the degree of responsibility of business to society and is actively involved in charitable and sponsorship activities. Support of national art and culture is one of the priority areas of socially significant activities of the organization.
Social programs of the organization are distinguished by non-standard solutions and effective implementation.
We view charitable activities in terms of “corporate citizenship”. This concept implies not only centralized financing of charitable projects, but also providing employees of the or- ganization with the opportunity to provide voluntary charitable assistance.
Being engaged in charitable activities, we are not trying to solve all the problems of so- ciety alone, but we strive to make a feasible contribution to the development of our country, to consolidate the efforts of individuals in achieving concrete results for the benefit of the pre- sent and future generations of Russian citizens.

4.8    Conflicts of interest
The leaders and employees of the organization should not engage in activities that will lead to a conflict with the interests of the organization or can be considered as such a conflict. Also, employees should not be involved, directly or indirectly, through a family member and / or other relatives acting on his or her behalf, in such activities. The term “family member” means parents, spouse, children (relatives or adoptive).
An employee of the organization should not use the organization, its reputation, official information for the purpose of personal enrichment or the enrichment of others.

4.9    Gifts and Rewards
When exercising the authority of a representative of an organization with a client or a government agency, the employee must act solely in the interests of the organization. This ob- ligation extends not only to actions sealed by a contract in writing, but also to business con- tacts with a client, a representative of government agencies.
No employee of the organization should ask for or accept (directly or indirectly) pay- ment, gifts, or anything similar of value from an actual or potential client of the organization, official representative or employee of a government agency, or other person for gratitude for help or assistance that has been or will be provided in connection with any transaction and procedure carried out by the organization.
An employee of the organization should not make (directly or indirectly) payment or offer gifts and other things of significant value to a representative of the client (present or po- tential), a government agency or a public organization as a sign of gratitude for help and influ- ence or upon receipt of confirmation that such assistance or influence was or will be provided in connection with a sale or any other transaction or procedure that may harm employees or managers of the counterparty or cause harm to the organization. This is not usually the case for informal dinners, entertainment, low-value promotional items and other courtesies that are offered unconditionally and do not make the organization feel indebted or indebted. How- ever, if the other party has adopted stricter rules that prohibit their employees from accepting gifts of even small value, the employees of the organization must respect those rules.
Acceptance and giving of gifts is determined by the norms of business ethics and should be limited to advertising souvenirs worth not more than 4,000 rubles, which in no case should put the organization, represented by its employee, in an ambiguous position and make it feel obligated.
Any questions related to the application of this policy in relation to specific transac- tions should be addressed to the immediate (direct) manager or board of the organization.

4.10    Confidential Information Confidential information includes:
-    strategic and tactical plans of the organization;
-    information about the financial performance and marketing activities of the organization
-    information about clients and partners of the organization;
-    information about the technologies, equipment, automated systems used in the organization;
-    information about the technical security systems of the organization;
-    information about the organization's personnel (staffing table, personal data of em- ployees; data on wages, etc.);
-    internal databases;
-    other information determined by the internal regulations of the organization. Trade secrets can be contained in memos, reports and other documents.
Sensible and accurate handling of these materials must be guaranteed by the employ- ees of the organization. The organization has a policy of "clean tables": at the end of the work- ing day and in the event of a long absence from the workplace, employees must remove from the table all documents with which they worked.
Dissemination of confidential information outside the organization is prohibited.
By joining the organization, employees assume moral, ethical and legal obligations not to disclose trade secrets.
Internal regulations that were developed by employees during their work in the organ- ization are the property of the organization.
The obligation to keep the trade secret of the organization is not canceled with the termination of work in the organization, for whatever reason the employee leaves it.
4.11    Responsibility of employees of the organization
The employee bears personal responsibility for achieving the goals of the organization, department, the implementation of tasks in accordance with the level of professional compe- tence and delegated authority.
An employee of the organization is responsible for the quality of the work performed by him: correctness, literacy and practical applicability of the compiled documents; exact ful- fillment of contractual obligations. The employee knows, understands and applies the princi- ple in his work: “I don’t accept, I don’t produce, I don’t transfer”.
An employee of the organization is personally responsible for maintaining a working environment and a favorable psychological climate in the team. In communication, employees strive to be constructive, friendly and focused on solving problems, and not on clarifying per- sonal relationships.
An employee bears personal responsibility to management and colleagues for causing any damage to the organization, not only by his actions, but also by inaction.
The employee is responsible for the efficient use of his working time. During working hours in the organization it is not customary to engage in personal affairs, distract colleagues from work with extraneous conversations, conduct unofficial telephone conversations, and use the Internet for personal purposes.
The employee's appearance should correspond to the image of the organization as a serious, reliable and respectable financial institution. Divisional managers and external client staff adhere to the "office style" of attire.
An employee of the organization actively participates in the prevention of any illegal actions on the part of other employees of the organization, customers, business partners, oth- er third parties in relation to the state and society as a whole, as well as in relation to share- holders, customers, business partners and the organization.
An employee of the organization is obliged to immediately notify the immediate head and the relevant structural divisions of the organization about planned or ongoing deliberate actions on the part of employees and clients of the organization that violate the laws of Russia, the provisions of this code or other internal documents of the organization.
Each employee of the organization is obliged to determine for himself which of the laws, regulations and other documents are directly related to his area of work, and to ensure their full compliance in their activities.
4.12    General rules of communication in messengers
Communication in the messenger will allow you to promptly notify and resolve prob- lems and upcoming events. In general chats, employees of the Ural Spring Plant can:
-    publish business information (in accordance with the established rules for the ob- servance of commercial secrets);
-    share expert opinion;
-    make requests for mutual assistance (personal or business).
4.12.1.    Sending a message in the messenger is fast, and receiving a response can take time. If the message is read, but no response has been received, wait or remind about the message in a few minutes, the interlocutor will answer it a little later, since he may be busy or do not have the necessary information to answer. If an answer is needed urgently, it is better to call the interlocutor.
4.12.2.    When communicating, we pay attention to confidentiality and subordination. Insults in group chats are prohibited. Correspondence relationships should be respectful to- wards all colleagues.
4.12.3.    If you received a message and cannot immediately respond to it, report this in the messenger that you need time to prepare a response.
4.12.4.    Business issues in the messenger are resolved during business hours. If you write at night or on weekends, then it is worth considering that the person is not ready to an- swer you.
4.12.5.    Smilies, stickers, emojis are a way of expressing our feelings in correspondence. Choose stickers and emoticons that are equally understandable to both you and the interlocu- tor.
4.12.6.    Please double-check your message before sending it. Check your chat dialog boxes. If you use AutoCorrect, check the text of the messages before sending.
4.12.7.    Bad news and criticism should be transferred from the messenger to real com- munication. Anything you write can be screened and used in legal proceedings.
4.12.8.    If you use audio messages, try not to record them in a noisy environment. If you are recording a voice, it is better to send one long message, it is inconvenient to listen to 10 short voice messages.
4.12.9.    In public chats, topics related to trade secrets are prohibited for discussion. En- tering the chat takes place only after agreement with the security service.
4.13    Business Email Policy
Email is one of the sources of communication at work.
4.13.1.    Write your subject line.
Subject - like a heading, helps you quickly find the desired correspondence in your mailbox. Be sure to include it to make it easier to work with letters. The wording of the topic should be informative.
4.13.2.    Call by name.
Be sure to contact by name and preferably you. If there are several recipients, list them all by name and indicate from whom you expect a response or action.
4.13.3.    Speak to the point.
Work writing is a short genre. Take care of your own and other people's time - go straight to the main thing.
4.13.4.    Specify the exact date.
Don't write "urgent" in the subject or body of the email. Indicate the exact time and date when you are waiting for an answer or result.
4.13.5.    Format your text.
Unformatted text is hard to read, so separate it. Do not insert links in the middle of the text - place them at the end of a paragraph or letter, a list. Explain each link: which document it leads to and why the recipient should follow it.
4.13.6.    Write in a neutral and delicate way.
Be polite and considerate. Don't ask personal questions, joke around, or bring up non- work-related topics.
4.13.7.    Keep your chat history.
Leave the entire previous thread of messages in the letter. In a large flow of infor- mation, it is easy to forget what you communicated with the sender - the history of the corre- spondence will help you remember.
4.13.8.    Sign letters.
In the signature, include your first name, last name, job title and company name. Add communication methods: phone, instant messengers - and a link to the corporate website. Limit yourself to neutral "best regards" or "best wishes."
4.13.9.    Add all links and files at once.
It happens that only after sending it is discovered that an important file is not attached or the required link is not specified. Duplicate the previous message and add the file to it. In
the message, you should ask the recipient to delete the letter without the file to avoid confu- sion.
4.13.10.    Name files and documents clearly.
Name the file so that it is immediately clear what it is about and what it refers to. It is difficult to distinguish one IMG568909865 from another IMG6789988901 in the list of imag- es.
4.13.11.    Reread before submitting.
Before sending, re-read the letter and check for errors. Write your answer as soon as possible. Try to respond within 15-30 minutes.
4.13.12.    Send emails during business hours.
4.13.13.    Do not send the words "thank you" and "please" in a separate letter
It takes time to open and read a letter. It is better to thank the next time when you send additional documents or answer new questions. So in one letter there will be both benefit and appreciation.

5.    Compliance with Code

5.1    Employees of the organization are responsible for compliance with all provisions of the corporate code, take an active part in their discussion, and, if necessary, initiate changes.
5.2    Heads of departments are obliged to monitor compliance by employees with corpo- rate standards, rules and ethical norms of the organization.
5.3    Employees interested in clarifying or clarifying the rules covered in this document should contact their immediate supervisors, the director of security or specialists of the per- sonnel management department.
5.4    Employees of the organization who know (or have factual reason to believe) about violations of this code or other violations of a legal nature related to the work of the organiza- tion should immediately inform the relevant official or their immediate supervisor about this, and also make a comment to the person violating the rules of the corporate code.
5.5    Managers and representatives of services are obliged to take all necessary measures to prevent violations.
5.6. Each employee has the right to preserve the anonymity of his oral or written com- munication.
5.7 In the event of ethical violations and conflicts that cannot be resolved by the head or specialists of the HR department, the security director decides.
5.8.    Compliance with ethical corporate standards is coordinated by the Director of Hu- man Resources.
5.9.    Specialists of the personnel management and security department have the right to monitor and periodically review the compliance with the implementation of rules and regula- tions, including unannounced visits and inspections.

6.    Conclusion

6.1    It is impossible to describe in detail the correct behavior in all difficult situations that may arise in the course of work. The Corporate Code is the basis for making independent decisions by each employee of the organization in such situations.
6.2    The organization expresses confidence that uncompromising adherence to the pro- visions of the corporate code increases the efficiency of the organization, maintains and strengthens the positive reputation of Ural Spring Plant LLC, and contributes to the develop- ment of strong business relationships with clients and partners.

7.    Additional resources

7.1.    Official website usprings.ru

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